A 自然历史 of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona:

Cover: A 自然历史 of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona: 介绍马德兰天空群岛


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作者:理查德·C. 布鲁斯卡和温迪·摩尔

ISBN: 978-1-886679-48-1
8" x 10"


This watershed book takes us behind the picture-postcard views and into the landscape, 在那里2022世界杯下注可以理解, 欣赏, and enjoy the natural history of the spectacular Santa Catalina Mountains. Its vividly illustrated chapters and nine picture guides (featuring native flora and fauna) paint a rich portrait of this famous range. 在清楚, everyday language the authors explain just what the Sky Islands are, telling the story of when and how they came to be — their deep geologic and biotic history. 他们还描述了沿着珠穆朗玛峰的十站. Lemmon Highway where visitors can easily see and understand the eight major biomes found in this range. 数百张照片, 一打地图和数字, and more than two dozen stand-alone profiles highlight special places, 人, 或卡塔利纳斯和天空岛地区的元素.

If you've ever thought "What are those rocks and trees?" or wondered about which animals you might see in the distinctive habitats at successive elevations, 多么奇怪的多叶植物啊, 也不知道小路通向何方, 这是给你的书. If you're curious about who or what has shaped life on the slopes of the Catalinas, 这是给你的书.

圣卡塔利纳的自然历史 是一站式的, 深入的资源, 有组织地允许在多个层次上进行查询, written for the student of natural history and the curious amateur alike. 这本书包括一个词汇表, 建议阅读资料, and lists of the common and notable 植物 and animals of the Santa Catalina Mountains.

西南年度图书2013 -首选


'Rain Gods in a Desert Sea: New Book Celeb利率 Southern Arizona's Mountains' from UA News

The Santa Catalina Mountains are as emblematic in Tucson as the Eiffel Tower is in Paris or Mt. 富士山在东京. 尽管图森纳人每天都在看牧场, 虽然2022世界杯下注依靠它的水, 风暴, 娱乐, 和风景, 2022世界杯下注中很少有人了解这个巨大范围的构成, 它的暴力背景, 它在2022世界杯下注历史上的作用, and the ongoing natural forces that make it an elemental part of our lives. 在这里, 终于, 是一本书打开了2022世界杯下注生命的象征吗, that divulges the mountain's secrets for all to understand. Keep it handy in your home, in your car, and in your backpack.
Author; 研究 Social Scientist, Southwest Center, Tucson; host of PBS Series, The Desert Speaks

在这里 is an excellent, comprehensive guide to one of the most popular destinations in Arizona. 这本书的特点是, 照片, and guides to the common species — but it also focuses on the big picture. Chapters describe the geological and biological histories of the Santa Catalina Mountains, as well as the global geographic context of sky islands. 一本新的登山解说指南. Lemmon Highway includes detailed descriptions of ten recommended stops that can make the 25-mile drive truly an educational event. The authors deliver a lot of science in language that is easily comprehensible to nonscientists.
标志着. Dimmitt
Ecologist; former Director of 自然历史, 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐

This book provides an amazingly comprehensive (and enjoyable!) guide to the natural world of Tucson's Santa Catalina Mountains and the Southwest Sky Islands. A perfect addition to any family's outdoor-exploration library, it also provides insight into what's at stake for some of our region's ecosystems, 植物, and animals as climate change pushes many species up, 甚至在山顶上. 通过阅读来学习不同层次的知识, 通过阅读来激发你内心的自然主义者, and read to contemplate what we might choose not leave for future generations.
Professor and Co-Director, 亚利桑那大学's Institute of the Environment


理查德·C. Brusca is a zoologist, marine biologist, conservation ecologist, and Southwest naturalist. 他是执行董事, 名誉, of the 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐 (ASDM) and a current 研究 Scientist at ASDM, 亚利桑那大学, and the Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo (CIAD), 墨西哥. Rick is the author of 12 books, including the best-selling text on invertebrate zoology 无脊椎动物 (Sinauer)和流行的野外指南 Common Intertidal 无脊椎动物 of the Gulf of California (UofA出版社)和 加利福尼亚北部海湾海岸指南 (ASDM出版社). Although he has conducted field expeditions throughout the world, Rick's greatest interests are the Gulf of California and the Sonoran Desert, where he has maintained research programs for more than 40 years.

Wendy Moore is Assistant Professor in the Department of Entomology at 亚利桑那大学, Curator of 亚利桑那大学 Insect Collection, and 研究 Associate at ASDM and at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. She and her research team use molecular genetic techniques, 形态学方法, and phylogenetic frameworks to elucidate ecological roles and key innovations that have affected the evolutionary history of select arthropod groups worldwide. She currently heads two long-term multidisciplinary research projects, one based on the evolution of the carabid beetle subfamily, Paussinae (a fascinating group of ground beetles that have formed obligate relationships with ants), 以及亚利桑那州天空岛节肢动物项目, which investigates patterns of arthropod diversity and distribution in the Sky Island Region.
